Exploring the Healing Potential of Psilocybin: Changing the Publics Perception, Not Just for Druggos

Exploring the Healing Potential of Psilocybin: Changing the Publics Perception, Not Just for Druggos A simple mention of magic mushrooms to much of the population will result in a raised eye brown, a look of disappointment/disgust and a comment along the lines of "shut up you fukin druggo, that's illegal".

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The Invisible Threat: Microplastics in Bottled Water and Their Impact on Our Health

The Invisible Threat: Microplastics in Bottled Water and Their Impact on Our Health To mitigate the risks posed by microplastics, consumers can take proactive steps. One such measure is to reduce reliance on bottled water and switch to safer, more sustainable alternatives like filtered tap water. You can check out brands like Brita to make the switch. Or beer? Although it's still 93% water, that makes it 7% better for us? Right?

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Embracing Cleanliness for Clarity: The Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Litter Picking

Embracing Cleanliness for Clarity: The Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Litter Picking I can personally attest to the social connections forged through litter picking, having met many selfless, planet, animal, people loving eco warriors over the past year. It's been great and it's done my own noggin wonders.

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